Thursday, 21 April 2011

The Royal Wedding Is Next Week...

...and a lot of people are making a big deal out of it.
like, a MAJOR deal out of it.

The majority of the country will literally be dropping everything they usually do in order to watch the wedding on tv.
They'll be gushing like crazy and raving about how great it is.

What's that? 'What about me'?

Seriously, fuck all this buzz. It's a wedding, whoop-de-fucking-doo!

Let's get one thing straight around here.
You can call me unpatriotic, but i don't care for the royal family at all. AT ALL.
i don't even support the idea of monarchies in the first place.
To me, the Queen is nothing but an old granny with a crown. Suck it, old bag.

But my beef isn't with the royal family themselves, just the method in which they came into power.
Why should someone get to run our shit just because they were born into a certain family?

Here, let Monty Python explain this shit for you.

Basically, that's my problem.
I'm not comfortable with being run by someone we couldn't vote for.
How is that a fair system?

Nobody should be born with an automatic right to power just because of their blood.
Everyone should have to work hard off their own backs if they want such a position.
Me and the Queen are no different to each other at all.
We are both breathing, pissing/shitting, talking pieces of living meat.
There is NOTHING except her title that makes her different from me.

So when anyone preaches a "holier than thou" attitude to me when describing royalty, expect this from me:

Fuck the Queen, fuck the Princes, fuck their whores, and fuck the wedding.

You know where i'll be on the wedding day?
Out having fun with my friends, thanks to you suckers officially giving the whole country the day off work.


  1. It's my 18th birthday that day. The royals are trying to upstage me >:(

  2. damn!
    screw the consequences and kick their asses! >:(
